Sunday, October 17, 2010

Things that inspires me right now

        I am inspired right now because God showed me my purpose. I'm always looking for my significance in life and now I found it.
     At first I try to look for material possession then success in career after that I pursue knowledge. But I felt discontented.My heart longs for something that is permanent that will eventually stop my ever wanting. But all this things are meaningless. I'm pursuing things that will eventually be corrupted, destroyed and eliminated. Wealth will perish someday regardless of how much you acquire. Work you treasure and are laboring your whole life will be replaced and shaken by others that will replace you when you retire. Persons with knowledge will not be so different with a fool when they are both dead.

God reveal to me that we must seek Him, our Creator. He who design us, mold us and continually guiding us to our purpose. We can be more effective in using things by following the manual of the one who created it. It is the same with God. We are His creation and he is our Creator. What is better to do than to do what God intended to do with us.

Now that is why I am living right now. Godbless everyone


Yen said...

Hi Bert,your topic here is very inspiring, keep on posting friend. :) So true, that all that we had today might be gone tomorrow. There's no such thing as permanent in this world aside from Change" We can be be rich today and be famous and successful but still discontent and empty because without God in our life and without acknowledging His good works in our lives, Man can grow old wealthy, but lifeless and foolish.
In proverbs 16 God says: To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.
May you keep on holding to God till the end. I'm glad that you were able to decode your purpose in God's help.
Keep in touch friend. I'll come here to see your updates.
Btw, thank you for leaving me comment in my box. Keep hopping in my shoutbox. Welcome! and make friendship here in the blogosphere. muah!

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