I really don't know what happened to my blog. Warnings show that my site have a malware which I got from a certain site.
Hope Google can address this problem
Please help me too guys
Godbless always
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Malware in my blog?
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4/06/2011 09:31:00 AM
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Thursday, March 17, 2011
I cant make you love me- aiza seguerra
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3/17/2011 03:02:00 PM
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Monday, March 14, 2011
Let us pray for the Victims of the Tsunami in Japan
Hope people all around the world will take time to pray and help the people in need on Japan
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3/14/2011 03:11:00 PM
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
We should strive to Win more. For winning is what we meant to be
"When the pressure is on, great leaders are at their best. Whatever is inside them comes to the surface."- John Maxwell
I like this excerpt because it brings a whole lot of ideas. First, the nature of a great leader is the way he/she is accepting defeat. The feeling of wanting to leave that current losing state to a victory stage of life. Second, is the hope that someday you will be victorious. And Lastly, the power of winning is not only on the team but to the leader first and foremost.
I personally had often settle for less than what is expected on me for that I respect people which do not settle for less than what is right and expected on them. The work that I did will not be perfect if not been for people who implements out-most care and prudence in checking and verifying what I did. The world will be better if people will establish a better management of life, work, government and congregations.
Factors that affect team's dedication in winning are:1. unity of vision - being on the same team doesn't mean that each person have the same vision. There are times that the leader should communicate the vision in such a way that it clearly demonstrate all the team members personal agenda and/or interest.2. diversity of skills- the team is comprise of different people with different upbringing, experience and education. It is proper to identify and make adjustment to make this attributes blend and work for the greater good of the team. And Lastly, dedication as a leader of raising people to their potential- The leader should have the most passion of winning and contributing the most of everything in the team. With this passion of raising people the leader will become a pillar of strength and persons will look upon for winning difficult situations.
How dedicated are you in winning? Your answer will most likely determine whether your team will win or lose.
I like this excerpt because it brings a whole lot of ideas. First, the nature of a great leader is the way he/she is accepting defeat. The feeling of wanting to leave that current losing state to a victory stage of life. Second, is the hope that someday you will be victorious. And Lastly, the power of winning is not only on the team but to the leader first and foremost.
I personally had often settle for less than what is expected on me for that I respect people which do not settle for less than what is right and expected on them. The work that I did will not be perfect if not been for people who implements out-most care and prudence in checking and verifying what I did. The world will be better if people will establish a better management of life, work, government and congregations.
Factors that affect team's dedication in winning are:1. unity of vision - being on the same team doesn't mean that each person have the same vision. There are times that the leader should communicate the vision in such a way that it clearly demonstrate all the team members personal agenda and/or interest.2. diversity of skills- the team is comprise of different people with different upbringing, experience and education. It is proper to identify and make adjustment to make this attributes blend and work for the greater good of the team. And Lastly, dedication as a leader of raising people to their potential- The leader should have the most passion of winning and contributing the most of everything in the team. With this passion of raising people the leader will become a pillar of strength and persons will look upon for winning difficult situations.
How dedicated are you in winning? Your answer will most likely determine whether your team will win or lose.
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2/26/2011 01:05:00 PM
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Saturday, February 19, 2011
Inhuman Practice- may God have mercy on us all
This week I would like to point that killing people is one of the most immoral thing people do. I have watch the news regarding three Filipinos are lined up for death sentence in China. Killing is not for us to decide, God give this life to us because He has a purpose for us. If we let this people kill other people - What are the difference of us human to animals?
-What do you think?
-What do you think?
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2/19/2011 09:23:00 PM
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
Do people see your message?
“People don’t at first follow worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote causes they can believe in” – John Maxwell
Today I learn that I am the message, that people will see my message when they know what I represent and emulate. Do I live what I teach? Do I practice what I’m cascading? This is especially hard if you are new in the company. I think one common mistake a leader does is implementing a vision which he/she doesn’t invest time for people to buy-in (or time to reflect on).
The leaders will assume that people will follow the leader’s vision though they don’t know all about the leader. I made this in the past months, I’m so busy cascading my vision with my current company which is rather wrong. This is wrong because first I’m new and there is no connection yet to most of the people in the company, second because I really don’t have the opportunity yet to make them trust me.
The success of a leader is measured by the ability of the leader to actually take the people where they need to go. Do you make time for people to reflect on what your ideas are? Do they freely follow your vision as their leader?
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2/13/2011 08:50:00 PM
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Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Do you Live what you Preach?
“When the leaders show the way with the right actions, their followers copy them and succeed” – John Maxwell
Today, I learned that for me to be a great leader I should live by it because others especially my followers will look into my action more than what I teach. I admittedly am a shy person and that should be corrected as soon as possible to become more effective as a leader. Proper empowerment to people should always be my prime motivator and I can’t do it if I am shy and full of inhibitions.
What followers expect to a leader:
First, Leaders carefully analyzed every tactical situation because followers place there trust at leaders which are well adept and well informed of the situation. Second, Leaders maximize the resources that can be used because everything has limitation even resources. This shows how well a leader utilized the limited resources to the best it can be. Third, to think under pressure because leaders will always encounter situations which are hard and which are limited in time. Finally, Lead them by personal example; you cannot give what you do not have and what your personality reflects what people will be expecting you.
Good leaders must communicate the vision clearly, creatively and continually. And they should more importantly live the vision. They are always aware of what they are setting up as example to others.
In your house, who do you think is this person? How much trust do you give to that person?
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2/02/2011 10:52:00 AM
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A Very Tragic News that spread fear on Metro Manila
Today was a tragic day for the Philippines. A “Newman liner” bus explode in an area in Buendia, Makati City. The report said that 4 killed and 14 other person injured in the explosion. Makati Mayor Junjun Binay visited the Makati Hospital to check the status of some of the injured and very much saddened by the incident. He calls for people to be vigilant especially adding the fact that two suspect were been recognized which eventually escaped by dropping by an earlier bus stop station. This incident was another tragic event which people had recalled following the valentine bus bombing last 2005 happened in the Ayala, Makati.
For persons who wish to inquire about the incident the number 8135390 can help.
Hope the incident will not happened again and the persons liable be brought to justice.
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1/25/2011 10:10:00 PM
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Friday, January 21, 2011
Delegations and what it reflects of us
“Only secure leaders are able to give power to others” – John Maxwell
Today I learned that I should give more power and trust to others especially to those persons who I think have the skills and passion to do more than I can. This also shows that they can go great length with me by there side and I will not be a hindrance to them.
Insecure leaders will always be afraid of responsibility taking out of them. They can exert extra mile to secure there position and responsibility. I remember that I was that last year and NOW I'm trying to evaluate myself of responsibility that I should let go to give way to others which can learned and experience from the task.
I should always strive to empower my family, co-worker and friends. They can do great things when they know that I support them all the way.
Do you have task that can be delegate? Are you welcome to changes and be part of a more bigger challenges in work, relationship and life?
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1/21/2011 09:15:00 AM
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Theories into practice
Today is the ten day in my new work. I been very busy and adjusting quickly to the system. Still many task to be accomplished but with God's grace and principles (theories) that I have learned the work will be a fulfillment in my life.
"Another chapter just ended and a new chapter begins."
May God continue to guide and protect us all especially with this upcoming year
"Another chapter just ended and a new chapter begins."
May God continue to guide and protect us all especially with this upcoming year
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1/11/2011 10:48:00 PM
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Friday, January 07, 2011
I'm supposed to research my nominee for the bloggers of the year
There so much to do and so little time to do it. One of the top in my priorities are my nominees in the currently running nomination of TABA 2010 ( an award for bloggers)
Hope I can finish it this week (before the Jan 11 cut off)
Thank you for all my friends who nominated me
Godbless us all
Hope I can finish it this week (before the Jan 11 cut off)
Thank you for all my friends who nominated me
Godbless us all
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1/07/2011 12:11:00 AM
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Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Do you know people which you need to get close
“Leaders have to deliver. There is no substitute for the performance. But without a good team, they often don’t get the opportunity. Their potential is determined by those closest to them.” – John Maxwell
Today I learned that nobody does everything well. People should find people which can add value and make them a better person. Selecting people to come and be a part of my life should be a careful selection of different people with different attitude and experiences that can contribute to my whole-being.
Some qualifications that is worth mentioning are: First, people with influence to others, can add value to discussion, if possible, have decision-making position, have exerted to add value to you and to the organization and Lastly, will make a positive impact on other members of the inner circle.
We should start to find people which can add value and exert extra effort to find and maintain the people which have and have the potential to help us succeed and achieve our goals.
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1/04/2011 01:31:00 PM
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
Connecting people a must have skill
“You can’t move people to action unless you first move them with emotion- the heart comes before the head.” – John Maxwell
Today I learned about connecting with people especially if you want to be a great leader. The connection should start with me and will have to be maintained by me. I should see my followers as friends with unique and different personalities. Even if I am the boss my mindset should be is to initiate to communicate with them in a personal level.
I experience this situation often when I can’t make people around me do the things I want them to do. I guess adding value to them is one of ways but connecting with them had some important impact to them as well. I just recently learned this thing and now connecting with them in personal level. These things made our relationship stronger and influence easier.
We have to remember few things to maintain these things- like be confident, sincere and open
Do you experience it? (That my heart should start to connect with there hearts before I can lead them effectively).
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12/26/2010 01:50:00 PM
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